

uncanny valley web is a website mostly used to share my art and characters with the internet. hopefully they will get their own game one day but for now you can read comics, look at art and uhhh uhhmmm read things? yea read things (that are super interesting and relevant and uh lore! theres lore, sort of.)

>more about me (vinnie, the creator/webmaster)
>frequently asked questions

if u need help or have questions contact me via email, instagram or on discord vinnie#7484 i can also help with html coding/ website stuff if you want to get into that. sharing is caring lol BUT! please only specific questions im not going to teach you html from square one, also try googling yourself before asking me how to change the size of an image.

you can also commission me if u want. click here 4 info

If you see me on a platform and my username isnt some version of atomicjest it likely isnt actally me. ive had some confusions happen before but no. i am in fact not on ponytown that was someonme else.
